Mumpsepidemie in der Schweiz zwischen 1999 und 2001
Epidémie d'oreillons en Suisse entre 1999 et 2001
Parution: Bull BAG/OFSP 2003; 20: 328-333
Comparison of the effectiveness of two mumps vaccines during an outbreak in Switzerland
Parution: European Journal of Epidemiology. 2003; 18: 569-77
Mumps: Sentinella-Meldungen Juni 1986-September 2003
Les oreillons: Déclaration Sentinella juin 1986-septembre 2003
Parution: Bull BAG/OFSP 2003; 44: 786-787
Recent increase in measles in children and teenages in Switzerland
Parution: Eurosurveillance weekly 2003; 7(23)
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